Accepted papers need to come with a full registration at GCH 2023.
Authors might opt for a maximum of two papers, however, any additional paper requires an additional publication fee!
If you are interested to register also for XR Salento (6-8 september), remember to select this option when registering and you will receive a 20% discount on both conferences’ fees.
Take advantage of the early-bird registration (see below).
Please note that the invoice will be issued with ‘reverse charge’ for institutions/companies based in the EU that are registered in VIES (VAT Information Exchange System). A copy of the invoice will be issued and sent to the registered person by the company in charge of the administration (XRtechnology srl).
The conference fee includes:
- access to the EG library
- participation in all technical sessions and keynote speeches
- guided tour of Lecce
- coffee breaks
- daily lunch tickets
- conference bag
The fee doesn’t include EG membership or the trip by bus, with guided tour of Otranto, and the social dinner with music, nearby Otranto.
These costs could be booked and paid during the online registration.
1Early-bird: before 30.07.2023 06.08.2023
2 The registration fee doesn’t include EG membership.
Eurographics is a professional Computer Graphics association, a non-profit organization, that devotes its efforts to providing useful resources and services for members.
If you want to become an EG member, follow instructions at:
3For the program and other details on XR Salento, please visit the website.