Your presentation at GCH
If your work is accepted as a FULL or SHORT PAPER, you will be required to prepare the final camera-ready-copy (*_CRC.pdf) which is a print-ready and finally checked paper for publication (following the EG DL template) and a PAPER-on-display following the specifications given below.
Paper presentations must be prepared by following means:
- *_CRC.pdf upload final submission of your camera-ready paper
- e-Paper that will be part of
- the display loop played on a large screen in the forum.
- the Presession Fast Forward Presentation (PFFWD) according to the program.
Deadline for submission of your final e-paper is 28th of August, 23:59h CEST.
Please note: In order to upload your e-Paper material you have been informed about a dedicated space in the Paper presentation notification e-mail.
Time slot | |
Short Paper | 15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion |
Full Paper | 25 minutes + 5 minutes discussion |
If your work is accepted as a POSTER, you will be required to prepare the final camera-ready-copy (*_CRC.pdf) which is a print-ready and finally checked paper for publication (2 pages, following the EG DL template) and a POSTER-on-display following the specifications below.
Poster presentations must be prepared by following means:
- *_CRC.pdf upload final submission of your 2-pages paper
- A0 (841mm x 1189mm) portrait formatted and printed-out physical poster, that will be displayed in the congress forum (Template can be found below).
- e-Poster that will be part of the display loop played on a large screen in the forum.
Deadline for submission of your final e-Poster material is 28th of August, 23:59h CEST.
Please note: In order to upload your e-Poster material you have been informed about a dedicated space in the Poster presentation notification e-mail. You should have revised and submitted your Poster publication according to the reviewers’ comments following the notification of acceptance. The schedule to provide your final material after receiving the acceptance notification is very tight. Plan your personal schedule accordingly.
Your uploaded material will be cross checked for conformity and you will receive another confirmation e-mail that your Poster material has been accepted for presentation at the congress.
The Local Organising Committee will NOT take care about the printings!
You will need to bring your A0-print-outs to the conference.
The poster must be staffed during all coffee breaks by at least one person and at all times during the breaks. You are encouraged to bring a portable computer to demo your work. The computer should be well charged, because electrical power may not be available. Do not leave your computer or other equipment unattended with the poster. Posters are displayed in unsecured areas.
Guidelines & Templates
e-Papers / e-Posters
To complement your paper presentation and to make it available to a broader audience, authors are requested to provide a three slide presentation file (incl. title slide – Accepted formats are: .ppt, .pptx) including multimedia material. The e-Paper should be used within the Fast Forward Track (PFFWD) in which authors are able to present their work in a 2 minutes oral teaser presentation on the day of their session. Please, consult the final program. e-Posters will not be included in the PFFWD.
Additionally, your e-Paper / e-Poster will be displayed in the poster loop played on a large screen in the forum. You can also hand in supplementary multimedia (MM) or video material that replaces your three slides. However, any replacing video material should contain the same level of information indicated in the subsequent preparation guidelines and must not exceed 2 minutes of duration.
Preparation of your e-Paper / e-Poster
The template is no longer available.
- e-Papers / e-Posters must be formatted according to the following templates in the ZIP-file above (see Download).
- The e-Papers / e-Posters should be formatted according to 16:9 screen size and should be submitted as .PPT or .PPTX.
- Each presentation shall be introduced by a title slide including the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), city and country. It might be accompanied by a picture or a video showcasing your work.
- An e-Paper / e-Poster must not exceed three slides (title + 2 content slides) and should contain the necessary content, approach and obtained results in an intriguing way. You can use multimedia content being integrated into your e-Paper / e-Poster showing animations, simulations or other content.
- Please note: If you include video material in each of the two content slides, we will only accept MM presentations that might not exceed 1 minute duration per slide.
- Your slides will be displayed in a presentation loop switching content at dedicated time slots. Thus, you should consider to be precise and concise on what you want to communicate.
- The e-Paper / e-Poster contains a three column format. Each column can be subdivided and may conveniently be divided into sections, starting with a
- Problem Description and Challenges
- Your approach/method,
- Results / evaluation, and
- ending with a Conclusion.
- Please, try to use a standard MM format for your e-Paper / e-Poster:
- Images: High-resolution images in one of these formats: TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF.
- Video: In Microsoft formats (i.e. .asf, .wmv), MPEG-4, or DivX formats. The total length of all videos should not exceed two minutes.
- You might also hand in a replacement for the content slide presentation embedding one video into one slide. Any replacing video material should contain the same level of information as indicated above (i.e. title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), city and country, problem statement and challenges, your approach/method, results/evaluation, conclusion) and must not exceed 2 minutes of duration.
A0 Poster
For presenting your poster we will provide a dedicated space in the conference venue. Your Poster will be displayed on dedicated boards that will be made available by the organizing committee. In order to not exceed the available board size your Poster MUST be formatted to A0 (841mm x 1189 mm) portrait format size containing at maximum three columns. The poster mounting area will be prepared beforehand.
Preparation of your Poster
- Posters should be simple, brief and prepared having in mind, primarily, their use as a basis for the presentation and possible discussion of the work that is already published in the Workshop Proceedings. However, they should be also self-intelligible.
- Each poster presentation must have a title including the title of the poster, author(s), affiliation(s), city and country. This part should be prepared by the presenting author to fit into the provided space (74 cm x 20 cm).
- As poster should be readable by more than one person at the same time, a letter size of at least 6 mm in height for the text and 10 mm for the section headings are suggested. You should prepare your poster in a three column format. Each column can be subdivided and may conveniently be divided into sections, e.g.
- Problem Description,
- Previous Work,
- Challenges,
- Your approach/method,
- Results / evaluation, and
- ending with a Conclusion.
- Include the most important references according to the style guides given for the paper submission.
- Each of the poster should contain a complete piece of information, such as text, a figure of table with a simple legend, or a few paragraphs.
- Pictures do describe more than words, so try to be visual as much as possible. You might span pictures over more than one column and provide some figure caption.
- A template can be found here:
The template is no longer available.
On Arrival to the Workshop
- Posters should be mounted at the beginning of the conference (Monday 8:30 am – 09:30 am, latest in the first coffee break, 11:00 am).
- You should find your poster board which is provided for hang-up. You may identify the foreseen board displaying your Poster ID. In case you have troubles, contact the poster chair for assistance.
- Push pins will be available for your use. Any necessary equipment for attaching the sheets to the board will be available near the poster location. Please, use only the provided materials in order not to damage the panels and enable a smooth removal afterwards.
- You should staff your poster for the assigned poster sessions during several coffee & lunch breaks.
- Ideally, posters are on display during the overall congress. The organizing committee will assist you in case of earlier posters removal.
Submission Guidelines for e-Papers / e-Posters
You will be able to upload any final material so that it can be included in the e-Paper / e-Poster program. The dedicated upload space will be announced to each of the authors. Please, be prepared to deliver your final versions of your e-Paper / e-Poster (original (either .ppt|.pptx)
before the 28th of August, 23:59 CEST.
As soon as you enter the upload area you will need to upload your material using a file name containing your submission ID and that has been allocated to your paper by the SRM-System. Please, build a package (.ZIP-File or .RAR-File) including e-Paper / e-Poster and/or additional material and upload it as {ePaper|ePoster}_{submissionID}.{zip|rar}
Note: You cannot upload files bigger than 230 MB!
So please consider that your material might need to be reformatted. If you wish to hand in high quality videos get in contact with and we will seek a solution for you.